Friday, April 13, 2007

winning forx

The Sidus Method


I first started trading when I was 15. I was fond of the stockmarket, but due to my limited capital I could only buy one share. When I eventually choose the stock I wanted, It didn’t go up or down. It just kept bouncing around. In the end, I sold the stock with a 5% loss.

I was still following the stockmarket, but I decided for myself I needed something more volatile with more leverage. I discovered options, futures an CfD’s. But they still were to unpredictable.
Eventually, I found my holy grail: Forex. I read all what I could read about it and made some first profits.

I discovered the power of something as simple as the BGX system or Vegas.
I started studying these methods more closely and realized that these simple models could make you very profitable in the long run.

Over time, I started to adapt the systems with my onw rules. The biggest advantage of the Sidus Method is that it is not necessary for adding extra filters. Whipsaws will occor, but less frequent. This system made my trading very profitable as it easy to understand, easy to implement and easy to find the right entry-points.


What do you need?

- 1H (of 30MIN, but you wil get wore whipsaws) candlesticks/bar charts
- 18 EMA & 28 EMA (put them in red)
- 5 WMA (in blue) & 8 WMA (in yellow)

The 18 EMA & 28 EMA are two red lines who form a tunnel, these will help you to determine the start of a trend and the end of a trend. Long term

The WMA & 8 WMA will show you when to enter a trend, they will also help you to see the strenght of the trends.  Short term

Entry Signals

- You should only open a position, when the red tunnel is extremly narrow or crossed !

LONG: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel upwards.
If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA upwards, then the signal is extra strong.

SHORT: 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel downwards.
If the 5 WMA also crosses the 8 WMA downwards, then the signal is extra strong.

Exit Signals

Signals that show the end of the chosen trend:
- Long: The price has reached a top and 5 WMA dives under 8 WMA  Close position
- Short: The price has reached a bottom and 5 WMA jumps above 8 WMA  Close position

Always close your position when boundry’s of the red tunnel cross eachother or when they become so narrow that they are one! This is a clear sign of a trend reversal. After you see this, close your position and open a new postion in the other way (If you were long, close, open a short postion)

When in a trade and the 5 WMA & 8 WMA cross the red tunnel -> Pay attention! As long as the red tunnel boundy’s doesn’t cross eachother there is no problem, but often this is a sign that they will!

How to trade Forex?

How to trade Forex?

Trading foreign exchange is exciting and potentially very profitable, but there are also significant risk factors. It is crucially important that you fully understand the implications of margin trading and the particular pitfalls and opportunities that foreign exchange trading offers. On these pages, we offer you a brief introduction to the FX markets as well as their participants and some strategies that you can apply. However, if you are ever in doubt about any aspect of a trade, you can always discuss the matter in-depth with one of our dealers. They are available 24 hours a day on the Saxo Bank internet trading system, SaxoTrader.

The benchmark of its service is efficient execution, concise analysis and expertise - all achieved whilst maintaining an attractive and competitive cost structure. Today, Saxo Bank offers one of Europe's premier all-round services for trading in derivative products and foreign exchange. We count amongst our employees numerous dealers and analysts, each of whom has many years experience and a wide and varied knowledge of the markets - gained both in our home countries and in international financial centres. When trading foreign exchange, futures and other derivative products, we offer 24-hour service, extensive daily analysis, individual access to our Research & Analysis department for specific queries, and immediate execution of trades through our international network of banks and brokers. All at a price considerably lower than that which most companies and private investors normally have access to.

The combination of our strong emphasis on customer service, our strategy and trading recommendations, our strategic and individual hedging programmes, along with the availability to our clients of the latest news and information builds a strong case for trading an individual account through Saxo Bank.

Terms of trading are agreed individually depending on the volume of your transactions, but are generally much lower in cost when compared to banks and brokers. Your margin deposit can be cash or government securities, bank guarantees etc. Large corporate or institutional clients may be offered trading facilities on the strength of their balance sheet. The minimum deposit accepted for an individual trading account depends on the account type. Trade confirmations and realtime acount overview are built into SaxoTrader, while further account information can be produced in accordance with your specific requirements.

overveiw of forex

An overview of the Forex market

The Forex market is a non-stop cash market where currencies of nations are traded, typically via brokers. Foreign currencies are constantly and simultaneously bought and sold across local and global markets and traders' investments increase or decrease in value based upon currency movements. Foreign exchange market conditions can change at any time in response to real-time events.

The main enticements of currency dealing to private investors and attractions for short-term Forex trading are:

  • 24-hour trading, 5 days a week with non-stop access to global Forex dealers.
  • An enormous liquid market making it easy to trade most currencies.
  • Volatile markets offering profit opportunities.
  • Standard instruments for controlling risk exposure.
  • The ability to profit in rising or falling markets.
  • Leveraged trading with low margin requirements.
  • Many options for zero commission trading.

Forex trading

The investor's goal in Forex trading is to profit from foreign currency movements. Forex trading or currency trading is always done in currency pairs. For example, the exchange rate of EUR/USD on Aug 26th, 2003 was 1.0857. This number is also referred to as a "Forex rate" or just "rate" for short. If the investor had bought 1000 euros on that date, he would have paid 1085.70 U.S. dollars. One year later, the Forex rate was 1.2083, which means that the value of the euro (the numerator of the EUR/USD ratio) increased in relation to the U.S. dollar. The investor could now sell the 1000 euros in order to receive 1208.30 dollars. Therefore, the investor would have USD 122.60 more than what he had started one year earlier. However, to know if the investor made a good investment, one needs to compare this investment option to alternative investments. At the very minimum, the return on investment (ROI) should be compared to the return on a "risk-free" investment. One example of a risk-free investment is long-term U.S. government bonds since there is practically no chance for a default, i.e. the U.S. government going bankrupt or being unable or unwilling to pay its debt obligation.

When trading currencies, trade only when you expect the currency you are buying to increase in value relative to the currency you are selling. If the currency you are buying does increase in value, you must sell back the other currency in order to lock in a profit. An open trade (also called an open position) is a trade in which a trader has bought or sold a particular currency pair and has not yet sold or bought back the equivalent amount to close the position.

However, it is estimated that anywhere from 70%-90% of the FX market is speculative. In other words, the person or institution that bought or sold the currency has no plan to actually take delivery of the currency in the end; rather, they were solely speculating on the movement of that particular currency.

Why Forex appeals to investors

In conclusion of this short presentation of Forex, we can define the main causes of popularity of this market among both professional and amateur investors.

  • Liquidity. This market can absorb such daily trading volumes as to surpass the capacity of any other market. High liquidity is a powerful attractive force for any investor, because it provides freedom to open or close a position of any size at a current market rate.
  • Continuous access. The 24-trading is an important attraction. The Forex participants do not have to wait to react to any event, as is usual with many other markets.
  • Flexible control. A position on Forex may be opened for just the period of time desired by the trader.
  • Cost. Forex traditionally does not have any commissions exept for natural market spread between bid and ask.
  • Unambiguous quotations. The majority of trades may be executed at a uniform market price because of the high liquidity of the market. It allows to avoid the instability inherent to futures and other currency investments where only limited amounts of currencies may be sold at the market rate at a given time.

What controls the market?

What controls the market?

The primary causes of changes in currency rates are economical forces as well as political and psychological factors.

Basic parameters of economy such as inflation, interest rates, unemployment, and many others affect exchange rates constantly and dramatically. Government policy has drastic influence on the rates too. Competence of the government in maintaining the currency is conducive for its rate increase. Decreasing interest rates stimulates decreased demand for the currency and, thus, depresses its value in the exchange operations. A decision of the Central Bank of a country to buy or sell the currency may strengthen or undermine its rate significantly.

Expectations of change in the economic conditions may lead to sudden and drastic fluctuation of the currency rate. This is the key concept, because the foreign exchange market is often controlled by expectation of changes, rather than the changes themselves.

Activity of professional currency exchange managers, especially when caused by the interests of powerful financial consortia, is another important market force. In many cases, the managers may act independently and use the market as a unique instrument to achieve their goals of changing major rates. Most, if not all of them, could not care less about the adequacy of charts used for technical analysis. Though, as major levels of resistance and support are approached, the behavior of the market becomes more and more "technical", and the reactions of large number of traders often become similar and predictable. Such periods in the market may lead to dramatic rate fluctuations, because significant funds happen to be invested in similar positions.

what is forex

Forex is an interbank market that was created in 1971 when international trade transitioned from fixed to floating exchange rates. Since then the rates of currencies relative to each other are determined by the most obvious means which is the exchange at a mutually agreed rate.

This market surpasses the others in its volume. For example, the daily turnover of world securities market is estimated at $300 billion, while Forex approaches 1 to 3 TRILLION US dollars in the same amount of time.

However, Forex is not a market in a traditional sense. It doesn't have a fixed location of the trading floor as, for example, futures market does. The trading is done over the telephone and at the computer terminals in hundreds of banks around the world simultaneously.

Futures and securities markets have one more significant feature distinguishing them from Forex, and at the same time restricting them. The trading is suspended at the end of each day and resumed only next morning. Thus, should certain significant developments occur in the USA, the opening of Russian market next morning could quite surprise you, if you're trading there.

Forex is open 24 hours a day, and the currency exchange operations are maintained throught working days of the week. Almost every time zone (London, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney) has dealers willing to quote currencies.