Sunday, July 22, 2007

Teeth Whitening Techniques: How to Whiten Teeth at Home

Expert: Dr. Alida Smisek has her own dentistry practice with her husband in Stratford, ON. Dr. Smisek received her Honours B Sc. from the University of Western Ontario in biology, her M Sc. from the University of Western Ontario in ecology and evolution, and her DDS in 1999 from the University of Western Ontario. Dr. Smisek is also a member of the Canadian Dental Association, the Stratford & District Dental Society, and the Ontario Dental Association.

Series: Teeth Whitening Techniques: How to Whiten Teeth at Home

Summary: Many people today want a whiter, brighter smile. Some of us can achieve it with proper oral hygiene—regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash. Some of us need a little extra help to get our yellowing teeth to return to the land of sparkling white, especially us smokers and coffee drinkers. There are a number of products out there that will help turn our teeth a few shades whiter, including bleaching agents and toothpastes that contain whiteners. For some, these do the trick; for others, over the counter solutions are often hit and miss, with temporary results.

In this free video series on teeth whitening at home, learn the proper way to get a brighter smile, from a dentist. Our DDS will explain the differences between a store-bought whitening kit and a dental one, as well as introduce an in-office procedure that can help with tooth staining and seriously yellowed teeth. Learn about getting custom fit bleaching trays to help maintain healthy gums and still get the desired results. Also get tips on dealing with fillings, crowns, and root canals, post-whitening tooth sensitivity, ways to avoid staining your teeth, and how to practice good oral hygiene at home. Smile!

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